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Intuitive Guidance

When you are healing yourself, you may need a little help with shifting past trauma, subconscious patterns and old scripts in order to call in what your heart desires. I am a light worker to witness and help you become clearer so you can continue to heal yourself. It is my goal to empower you to find your own voice to align and mission in service of your highest and best outcome. 

As long as I can remember, I have been an intuitive and an empath. Over the years, I have learned many healing modalities by developing my own gifts of prayer/meditation practise and  vibrational/energy/spiritual healing. I remain committed and responsible for my own spiritual journey of love and joy. 

My unique gifts as a intuitive include heart opening, sound/vibrational  therapy/ journeying, sacred geometry, grounding, meditation, prayer, visualization, affirmation, Akashic Records & Amenti reading/clearing, gridwork, reiki, emotion code clearing, and spiritual response therapy.


Intuitive guidance begins with sacred intention and the client experiences ease and grace in integration. I hold my clients in the highest regard and with love and compassion. Love, integrity and confidentiality are cornerstones of this process. 

If you are new to this work, we begin with an intention, we ground, we invite in guidance, we are aware, we ask, and we open to receive.  You build a relationship with your own light team by listening, being aware and open to receive guidance. This is very much a process of peeling back the layers of the onion. In this wondrous journey of self love and acceptance, healing is a byproduct. The gifts of this work are love, joy and compassion. 




Helping you fully ground yourself and giving you some tools so that you can anchor yourself, and calm your nervous system to serve in your growth and expansion.



Using a number of modalities including the Akashic Records and Amenti in combination to witness and release distortion such as  contracts, past programs, ancestry, struck emotions, spiritual energetic influences, etc.  



With the guidance of your light team, guardians, keepers, and loved ones, find out why you are here and expand/ascend your consciousness in love and compassion.

Are you ready to rise up?

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"Thank you for helping me realize that I needed to forgive myself.

Thank you for helping me to realize my worth and acknowledging my gifts.  

Thank you for helping me with my new business and dreams.  

Thank you for helping me connect to my Guides and Angels.  

The work I do with you is unbelievably profound and life changing.  

So grateful for you."

Bonnie Spillane, Business Owner,

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